We, once again, went to the Shell Eco-marathon in France. Together with the ThaiGer 7 we are bringing the title of European champion to Stralsund for the fifth time in a row.
Additionally, we were able to present our youngest vehicle, the Bengalo I, for the first time. The participation in the Urban Concept vehicle class brought us extensive experience.
We were accompanied by the student team of the Schulzentrum am Sund, Greendrive. They were able to keep their position as the best German team in the battery electric prototype class with their vehicle called Greendriver.
Our goals as a team for the next year are already set: to win with the prototype vehicles ThaiGer and Greendriver, as well as our Urban Concept vehicle Bengalo.
We would like to thank all our sponsors who have supported us up to this point and hope for further cooperation in the future.