Here you can find the legal notice of the ThaiGer-H2-Racing Team according to § 5 Telemediengesetz (short TMG).
ThaiGer-H2-Racing Team
of the University of Applied Sciences Stralsund
legally represented by the rector
Prof. Dr. Petra Maier
Phone: [telephone]+49 3831 456500[/telephone]
Fax: [telephone]+49 3831 456658[/telephone]
E-Mail: [email][/email]
ThaiGer-H2-Racing Team
Hochschule Stralsund
Zur Schwedenschanze 15
18435 Stralsund
Phone: [telephone]+49 (0) 3831 457314[/telephone]
E-Mail: [email][/email]
Editorial department:
-Department Organisation, ThaiGer-H2-Racing Team
E-Mail: [email][/email]
Technical implementation:
-Department IT & HR, ThaiGer-H2-Racing Team
E-Mail: [email][/email]
-Sund-Xplosion e.V.
E-Mail: [email][/email]